I think it does, some people are more naturally inclined to absorb and apply information in more abstract and sophisticated ways. It’s something we don’t really know about so it tends to fall under broad philosophical discussions around nature vs nurture. Tho, those who work harder and more...
Does anyone have the wording for question 2 of English extension 1? Just trying to remember what it was to send to my teacher, I remember pieces of it being powerful/challenging experiences but I can’t recall the entire thing.
Does anyone have the wording for question 2 of English extension 1? Just trying to remember what it was to send to my teacher, I remember pieces of it being powerful/challenging experiences but I can’t recall the entire thing.
I did so good on the essay and imaginative, but I think I fumbled the reflection. I don’t think I wrote enough for it so I don’t think I’m getting too many marks for that. Anyone else in the same boat? Need reassurance for it lmao