Recent content by Noelle

  1. N

    Welcome to Usyd Business and Economics!!!

    I have a question about maths! Will you struggle in the first year if you hate maths?
  2. N

    Change Speech: "book launch"---watif ur rel.tx are like a photo and film?????????????

    I did chocolat as an additional text so i did a speech by the director...
  3. N

    Will They Specify??

  4. N

    What resources do you guys want first?

    MODERN MODERN MODERN MODERN Please! past papers, anything, esp. cold war
  5. N

    TRIALS = how'd u go?

    how did people find modules? I can't get over how they specified ATWOOD!
  6. N

    Uai Prediction

    I do similar subjects! except no IPT, and I do 3 unit italian and history. Your results were pretty good but you have to look at more than your half yearlys. IPT, SAC and ancient are subjects that you have to do really well in if you want a good mark as the scaling is poor. English, Italian...
  7. N

    Studying at lunchtimes?

    This thread made me so sad... aren't you guys cherishing your last days of school life? I could never part with my lunchtimes...I'm really gonna miss sitting around and talking crap with my friends when i finish school.
  8. N

    Anyone doing CSDA Debating?

    did any of you go to that debating camp?
  9. N

    Class of '03 target UAI's

    I want at least 95+ But for what I really want to do at where I really want to do it i'll need 98. something. we'll see...
  10. N

    ISP Topics?

    I did religion and Biography the church's response to Karl Marx and his theories... It was painfully boring but I got 20/20.
  11. N


    we're going to the supreme court, next term. I think a prison would be mad! have fun!
  12. N

    wag the dog

    I'm not doing telling the truth but we looked at wag the dog in year 10. The main technique it uses in relation to truth is the juxtaposition between the 'real world' - the world of the spin doctors and the president etc. with the world that is presented to the public through the use of...
  13. N

    ETA study day @ Usyd

    Did anyone go to this on Monday (3rd)? Personally I thought the Harwood guy was OK but everything else was crap. What did everyone think?
  14. N


    I'm really paranoid about having no school involvement only a few awards. I went to an amnesty meeting in year 9 and I timekept for debating once. When I was in Year one i got a busy bee award for 'cutting beautiful straight lines'
  15. N

    jane austen's emma?

    I couldn't get past the first volume, I hated it! I don't plan on ever reading it, even my teacher said you only need to know about values, themes and context and know the language forms and features and filmic techniques for Clueless. So just look up notes and critiques on Emma and ask...