Recent content by northofnorth

  1. N

    how much have you covered?

    i have covered enough to make me start dreaming about i am just glad i didnt get addicted to these forums.:)
  2. N

    how did you guys go in this years AMC?

    i hate doing it in year 12, the percents a higher yet i did worse.......stuff doing a science course at uni..................oh well better concentrate on the hsc......which isnt long at all:mad1:
  3. N

    how did you guys go in this years AMC?

    Just out of curiosity how did you guys go in this years AMC? I am in year 12 so i did the senior paper and i did pretty poorly......glad i don't want to be a mathematician as that kind of maths is very annoying.
  4. N

    top 200 schools

    the only real advantage is the competition anyone can get any UAI at any school if they work for it. i am not sure about other schools (i go to a selective) so it really depends on how much your cohort pushes themselves!:)
  5. N

    What's Modern History Like?

    Do Modern if you like History and have an interest in it. Its great learning about all the different topics but there is a large amount information to learn but you will be surprised how much you take on!
  6. N

    Burnt out??

    there is a slight bit of strain added at my selective school but i doubt its as much as at ruse (not trying to start any arguments).......but then being in year 12 you get used to the competition after 6 no i am not burning out.
  7. N

    Trials over - Keeping up with the study?

    i am going to keep it up i hate cramming....its so much more fulfilling studying in healthy amounts
  8. N

    Number of units?

    guys relax i am in year 12..........if you would just look to the side it says hsc 2007. I just wanted to see if any overachievers would come out and say "i do 19 units", so sorry for making you guys answer. P.s i do 11 units
  9. N

    Number of units?

    Ill ask this question in this forum as you guys would have made this decision. How many units can you have in years 11 and 12? I know there is a lot of study for over 13ish but i heared someone (at a selective) did 19 in prelim and 16 in HSC?
  10. N

    chem or bio?? can pick up Bio easily in Uni (so i hear).
  11. N

    Financial Literacy assessment

    Anyone going to do it tomorrow???? I know my school did it last year but I have no idea if we are this year, i haven't heared anything about it, but on the Commonwealth bank site it says it is tomorrow.
  12. N

    Australian Science Olympiads

    How to make the team for the international science olympiads EDIT: once again i must state.......i am doing the hsc......i only wrote this lesson to see some overachieving year 10s come out and say they had been to the international science olympiads etc, so i apologise.
  13. N

    International science olympiads

    I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I figured you guys would know the most…. I am a SC student now so I still have plenty of time, but I am interested in how to prepare and how to get on the team for one of the international science Olympiads? I am interested in all 3...
  14. N

    Selective school entrance

    Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!! aussiechica7, when i finnish year 12 i will proberbly want to study law, shame everyone thinks lawyers are leeches. How hard is it to top a subject at a selective school, do you need to get 100% in every test? Same question with becomming DUX, do u need to be a genius?
  15. N

    Selective school entrance

    Hi guys i am in year 9 at the moment and go to an ordinary highschool. At the moment i am topping all of my subjects besides PE and one elective. Anyway i am sick to death of the ease and lack of seriousness which is taken in the matters of academia at my school. Everything is easy and i want a...