Thnx for that. Simple, yet valuable. Will definietly take that into consideration!
Yep, in Maths Ext. exams, I easily blank out, because some the questions are usually asked in a way that u don't think you'll understand.
What ur basically saying is that through constant study, the knowledge will 'stick in my head' in the long term, being more accessible when needed.
Sounds reasonable...
Forgot to mention, I "blanked out" several times during the exams, especially Physics, even though I studied a particular...
Hi, I recently got my 1/2 yearly marks back, and did, how do I put this...mediocre to good/not great. :(
These are my marks:
English Advanced:
- AoS: 51% - worth 10%
- Hamlet: 80% - worth 15%
- Overall: 68.4% - worth 25% of Internal Assessment - rank 57/79
Maths 2U: 65% - worth 30% - rank 9/36...
LOL, I had almost the same subjects in Yr 11 (except SDD instead of Chem.).
I dropped Economics instead of MX1 before Yr 12 started, even though I was ranked 3rd in class. I too didn't understand all the concepts - I just wasn't interested in learning about the economy, plus the HSC textbook is...
There's this great Visual Basic 6 tutorial site here:
I referred to it a lot for my Prelim Major. Has comprehensive tutorials and sample code for each of them!
Voted yes, but my teacher's a motherf:pain:kin' b!atch. She doesn't know jack-sh!t. It's like my teacher is discouaging me from having further interest in studying it.
I want to study Info Technology (or Computer Science if good enough) in uni, but her lack of experience and knowledge (IMHO)...