Recent content by ohheyitsjana

  1. O

    PDHPE Marathon

    I doubt they would ask for a specific as there are a few, right? If anything they could ask for ATSI and 'one other group that you've studied' or something.
  2. O

    PDHPE Marathon

    We were told to do the National Tobacco Strategy, and Beyond Blue. I really don't want to memorise both, they're probably not going to ask for two. Have they ever in previous years?
  3. O

    Mod B - paper 2?

    Damn. If they specify a scene or soliloquy for Hamlet I am so screwed.
  4. O

    Mod B - paper 2?

    Anyone else here doing Hamlet for paper 2? I'm stressed about this one the most since I have no idea how to prepare for it. What do you think the question will be on?