Recent content by Omegalomaniac

  1. Omegalomaniac

    Peter Skrzynecki

    I think it relates to the idea of a lock and key and how it provides protection/security.... That's just my take on it though!
  2. Omegalomaniac

    The Michelson and Morley Experiment

    thanks for that analogy :P Thank you all for the help!! (& putting up with my stupidity :D)
  3. Omegalomaniac

    The Michelson and Morley Experiment

    what is the current model of the aether?
  4. Omegalomaniac

    The Michelson and Morley Experiment

    So the null result of the MM experiment came from the fact that both beams of light were at the same velocity, therefore disproving the existence of the aether? Thank you for helping so far!! I think i'm actually understanding something here :P
  5. Omegalomaniac

    The Michelson and Morley Experiment

    hey! Could anyone please tell me a quick overview on the purpose of this experiment? I'm trying to research it right now but i don't understand :/ Thank you :)
  6. Omegalomaniac

    Books that made you fall asleep

    The whole Lord of The Rings series and The Book Thief -.- i actually liked "Emma - Jane Austen" :P
  7. Omegalomaniac


    Its hilariously addictive :D