Re: HSC Physics Marathon 2014
$At what distance from the earth's centre will an artificial satellite in an equatorial circular orbit (that is, an orbit that lies entirely in the Earth's equatorial plane) have a period equal to 1 day? Such a synchronous (or geostationary) satellite moves in...
Much philosophy anyways I'll give it a go.
1. What IS mathematics?
Mathematics is the direct application of human logic (whether it be deductive or inductive) towards the abstract study of quality (numbers), structure (combinations and permutations), space (geometry) and change (calculus)...
Here is few questions I have being attempting to solve lately.
How can I derive the length of an curve between two values of x? (I tried using Pythagoras for dx, dy, and dl, where dl is an infinity small length on an curve, however I don't think this approach is right)
I still have my...
The problem is, apart from 3 unit calculus, and 4 unit maths. The rest of the HSC maths course is essentially a foundation for higher mathematical learning, for example permutations and combinations are used in error detection systems in computers.
In medicine they mostly part an important...
Re: Do you think the Board of Studies is fatally flawed?
LOL 2UE, I'm surprised some people on the bored of studies actually listens to it.
The question that the radio broadcasters should be asking, is: What benefits are there telling kids they failed in a particular subject?
Because I...
bad luck for me I only realised that photocells aren't solar cells at the very last 30 seconds... I remember the hsc exams once made a mistake on photocells and solar as well. But I can't seem to find the question...
re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive
Torque can be also defined as the product of force and the perpendicular distance to the line of action of the force.
By looking at the diagram you only see one magnet on one side of the motor, therefore force is only acting on one side of the coil. Therefore...
re: HSC Physics Marathon Archive
\textit{'Lenz law is simply a consequence of energy conservation'} \\ \\ $Access the quote above with reference to the princple of physics