Hey guys, just wondering if anyone is doing mathematical science at parramatta? Just want to know if its any 'easier' than engineering (I'm first year), and is this course just based on maths?, because on the UWS website it only list the subjects for semester 1 year 1 only so cant really tell...
I didn't read it all but when i got up to...
I had a good laugh. You funny one.Thanks Haha;)
(I'm not making fun of the suburb or anything, dont get me wrong. But i found it quite funny; I personally live around that area.)
sorry for the thread revival but , can anyone tell me if you drop a subject; when is the next time you do it? or can you just do it at the end of your whole course?
hey guys, bit confused with the results. is this the overall mark we get for the whole unit, or its just the exam results and you have to calculate other assessments to determine a pass/fail?
this is what im tlaking about:
what if I already picked 2 and one is non active and one says im enrolled for telecommunications? does it matter??
oh and after you print out your last step which is the Unit Selection (which is already done for engineering), is that it? any more forms or anything else?I am a student now?