Recent content by omnipotent

  1. O

    Kurt Cobain ruined music*

    YES! thank god I'm not the only one who thinks muse just sound like shit covers of queen. Anyway, I personally hate lady gaga, but I admit that she has talent. Her music is well structured and she knows how to work an instrument and sing. Lil wayne and the rest of the black music scene however...
  2. O

    Hsc bio better than prelim bio?

    Although it does get better, if you do physics or chem it will seem a bit dull in comparison. Thankfully I have a good teacher who keeps it interesting and I probably would've gotten bored and dropped it if I didn't. If you have a good teacher you'll find the HSC course really interesting at...
  3. O

    share your feelings! :)

    Not too bad considering that everyone else has done as little work as I have
  4. O

    What type of Engineering should I do?

    How are career opportunities in mechatronics?
  5. O

    15.. and cant stand being sober..?

    I love how this is in the Arts section of tertiary....
  6. O

    15.. and cant stand being sober..?

    So hoping that this is a troll...
  7. O

    a helping hand?

    lol school certificate lol
  8. O

    Are you Ugly?

    hooray for a superficial society
  9. O

    Physics or Biology? Economic Or Legal Studies? Avd. Eng or Extention Eng?

    Physics > Biology More interesting content and less memorising. More difficult though, so if you're stupid just do bio. Economics > Legal In terms of interestingness, its subjective however I prefer economics. Economics contains a lot less memorising than legal which is good for those who can...
  10. O

    Shock poll as Labor support slides

    She doesn't represent the values of a large proportion of the population who will look at her and say "OMGGVTFSC AN ATHEISTS??!?! WE GONZ GO TO HELL!!!11" or be like "SHEZ NOT MARRIED?!??! SHES AN ADULTRESS!!!! WE GONZ GO TO HELL!!!11" Also "she" is a man, so that will lessen the extent to...
  11. O

    Shock poll as Labor support slides

    Not sure what part of these results are in anyway a "shock". The Labor party should have realised that practically sacking their leader and replacing him with a woman would lead to a decrease in their support.