Recent content by pardz96

  1. P

    99.80 allrounder & 95 UMAT| Parramatta/Blacktown | Experienced HSC Tutoring

    Can confirm kabytto is 100% THE guy if you are legitimately in pursuit of great marks. Immense flexibility and youre gonna have a blast every time he explains something in his own style. Highly recommended. :spin:
  2. P

    The Wolf of Wall Street

    "Good luck on that subway ride home to your miserable ugly fuckin' wives. I'm gona have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime" This.10/10. Martin Scorsese, you never fail to disappoint.
  3. P

    Textbook for Year 11/12

    You see the thing about Davis, is that he wrote 400+ freakin pages on IPT, 1/2 of which is out of the syllabus. I highly recommend using an Excel book and using that as a guide to go through the stuff through the syllabus. If some dotpoints aren't explained clearly enough, you can be sure that...
  4. P

    Database information system

    Reccomend getting an Excel HSC IPT book or some study guides which will answer ALL your questions.
  5. P

    Looking for tutor around parramatta/ the hills/ blacktown area

    Hey there! I sent you a pm but I'm not quite sure if it sent properly. If you didn't receive the message, please let me know and I'll send it again :)