Recent content by paul95

  1. P

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    That was a pretty good exam, I think, no shocker questions which is good.
  2. P

    So what did assess really mean?

    Make a judgment RESPONSIVENESS (What was the response from the law?) ACESSABILITY (How accessible is the law?) RESOURCE EFFICENCY ENFORCEABLILTY (No law is a good law if it is not enforceable) MEETS COMMUNITY EXPECTATIONS APPLICATION OF THE RULE OF LAW (How is the rule of law applied?)...
  3. P

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    But I do -Standard English -General Math -Legal Studies -Modern History -SORI -IPT Goal: 80 (Heres hoping!)
  4. P

    Roll Call: Class of 2013

    Does anyone on this thread have any normal subjects, because if I were to judge just by this thread I would say the whole state is doing some sort of extension subject.
  5. P

    Spelling error in HSC Legal exam?

    Yes you should be very worried, as spelling is a major sections on the Legal Studies Syllabus