Thanks again! Although not solving my indecisiveness, I do have a whole year to think about it. And am tempted by the uni of newcastle, mainly because I grew up there and know my way around okay.
Thanks again again :D
Just one more potential war question:
I'm considering a laws/psychology course. Is this good, bad or indifferent? I'm not sure what I'd want to specialise in when I graduate, thats all.
So.. um, does anyone know which law school offers the best course? Or are we just going to continue petty arguments over sources, peoples opinions and which university someone attends?
Or where I could find it. And please don't say the good uni guide, that site is impossible to navigate and I...
Ohk, thanks. I was thinking of doing it anyway, I need the words!!
It's a silly thing to have to do, especially without much instruction on how to do it.
Ok, I have around 130 words to go on a rationale for a visual assessment in english. Do I need a conclusion? I was never told :mad1:.
Thanks all in advance!
I always lack motivation to study, plus i've never been told how... which is oh so handy.
My english teacher keeps saying that i'm not trying and i lack discipline, yet i'm topping extension english.
I was always put in the top classes and given the crappest novels. Though i think Othello was the worst. Our school has 4 different editions to make up a classes worth and half are so old that the one i had my uncles old girlfriend read. The main problem with Shakespeare's to me is you need to...