Recent content by Phyk101

  1. P

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    Class of 2010: English Standard Physics Senior Science Engineering Studies 2 Unit Maths Hospitality Uai 75+
  2. P


    If you got the resources (aka army) Just pile everyone into trucks. I think the problem was that people dident know what to do and when to leave. Thats what killed people. If people dead or alive could look in hindsight they would have left hours before the fire came.
  3. P


    If a forced evacuation is to take place, it cant be of just children it has to be everyone. Its definitely not feasible to expect parents when there natural instinct is to stay with there children to trust anyone else with there children's safety. Improving the warning and fire front predictions...
  4. P


    Well I truly believe that the loss of life of Black Saturday will not be repeated, Hopefully the lessons learned from Victoria will stop this from happening again. And trust me, a lot of the red tape stopping the RFS from doing Hazard Reductions disappeared after Black Saturday.
  5. P


    Yet also the issue was, that the man (sorry sexist but true) bring in his "shell be right" attitude and ignores the warning and tells his family they will be fine and then at the last moment realises he is wrong and try's to evacuate unsuccessfully
  6. P


    Yeah thats so they can kill them off when they commit "adultry"
  7. P


    Yes we have, we must press this decision to the government hehe. This topic has gone through so much discussion and argument it surely represent the views of NSW :P
  8. P


    Yeah but then untrained people who are lighting up there property to do a hazard reduction, start fires or kill themselves. Most fires are started by people doing a hazard reduction without permission
  9. P


    Mate all im trying to do is draw upon the link of age of consent and choosing to stay or leave. Your taking this way to far and originally you did say that 16 is a physical age when your ready for sex which is bullshit, when i was 14 people where having sex dude, so obviously 16 isent the age...
  10. P


    I'm Not trying to refer to the RFS im referring to this idiot who truly believes that as soon as a girl turns 16 she is magically physically ready for sex.
  11. P


    And another thing, 16 years old has nothing to do with physical growth or readiness in regards with sex, its a mental and maturity thing.
  12. P


    ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Mate look at the stats, more people die from STD's than bushfires lol. And guess what 17 year olds can decide for themselves. A 17 year old can CHOOSE to join the Defence Force for example. A 16 year old can CHOOSE to join the RFS, yes sure you need parental consent but for...
  13. P


    Yay, he has stopped spreading his evil ideas hehe
  14. P


    Haha yeah mate guess what, the legal age a girl can say "i want to have sex with you" is sixteen dumbass. And thats her total choice, a choice that could potentially seriously upset or even cause harm to her such as unplanned pregnancy or STI's
  15. P


    Yeah im fucking stupid mate, sorry about that. Seriously though screw you i'm not talking about the perfect world, im talking about a fucking fire coming towards your house and you seriously think a 17 year old is not capable (even with out training) of defending or deciding for themselves what...