Recent content by piegohere

  1. piegohere

    Trotsky essay

    'Actually' know it all, they can ask you, i just did a past HSC paper on trotsky, and it asked you to outline trotskys background and rise to prominence prior to revolution! because grizzly addams DID have a beard!
  2. piegohere

    who be the?

    who be the?
  3. piegohere

    Movies about belonging

    well thing is, for some reason the hsc markers and teachers cream themselves over australia material, soooo i was thinking romper stomper to some extent, or even the dreaded rabbit proof fence, theres also the wog? and other aussie movies that deal with belonging, and if all else fails, bmx...
  4. piegohere

    how do you compare letters to alice and pride aqnd prejudice?

    yeeaah my adv. english class is also doing comparative text of p & p and letters to alice, however, its no simple essay or oral presentation, you have to compose letters, as alice, to aunt fay in letters to alice, in response to the letters in the book, its an ass of an assignment, any ideas...