Recent content by pineapplefritter

  1. P

    can you withdraw after enrolling in classes?

    hi guys, I just accepted my place at unsw while I wait to do the usyd mooc exam. the exam is on the 28th of january so I'm worried that if I put off enrolling in classes at unsw and fail the mooc or don't get a spot at usyd, ill be left with the dregs of the classes available. can you withdraw...
  2. P

    USYD eligibility

    I'm hoping it does, but the thing is is that I moved it from my first preference bc they told me I wouldn't get an offer after I had asked on the open day lmfao fml
  3. P

    USYD eligibility

    Hi guys, I got an E12 offer for BSc earlier this year but received 69 instead of 70 for maths and therefore failed to meet the maths prerequisite. On my uac application however the status of my usyd preference says that I'm competing with others for an offer rather than that I'm ineligible...
  4. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    would u guys choose usyd bachelor of science or unsw bachelor of adv science with honours? idk whether to take the L and forget about Sydney and just go to unsw lmao
  5. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    96.75 and can't get into my course which has 80 as the guaranteed atar omg fuck usyd prerequisites i was one mf mark off :(
  6. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    omg thank you so much but its fine :))) i don’t think it would change much anyway though
  7. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    eng adv - 92 6 bio - 92 6 chem - 86 5 maths adv - 69 3 ancient - 93 6 modern 92 6 bruh i just lost my e12 position over one mark this fucking sucks i can’t even be happy over my other marks bye
  8. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

  9. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    omfg did anyone just get theirs
  10. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    yeah im usually good at chem but i bombed the exam :/
  11. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    omg i've asked this before but with a rank of 41/59 for adv maths do u guys think its possible for me to get a band 4??? im so stressed rip to my e12 offer if not fml lol
  12. P

    2020 HSC+ ATAR results discussion Thread

    if i don't get a band 4 for maths i will just simply pass away
  13. P

    Maths band 4

    does anyone have any idea as to what raw marks would get you a band 4 in maths advanced? I got an e12 offer and I need the perquisite for usyd science but im sitting on an internal rank of 41/59 :oops::oops::oops: if someone would be able to roughly let me know that would be great :) thanks!!
  14. P

    HSC Chemistry SOLUTIONS / Thoughts / Predictions

    yeah... chem is one of my best subjects and i completely bombed it and didn't finish so feeling pretty shit rn