Recent content by pnikmikel

  1. P

    Trading f2f package for medentry/other materials

    hi! i only have a few drills from medentry which amounts to only about 200 questions :( but id srsly like to trade :D
  2. P

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    u are genius ahah xDD
  3. P

    Awkward "Friendship" or "Love" Situation

    this made me LoL xD
  4. P

    Sexual experience

    rofl. Xd
  5. P

    which uni should i go to for engineering

    UNSW if anything, unless u wanna do chem engineering, go to Usyd
  6. P

    peopel that got 70 uai come here!!

    Hi i owned u too ;D bjut i got loser than the 98+dude =(
  7. P

    Difference between HSC and trial marks??

    SUBJECT TRIALS HSC English Adv 77 89 Maths EXT1 80 94 Maths EXT 2 59 86 Chemistry 85 81 Physics 78 82
  8. P

    I got 81.00, and did nothing all year.

    LoL, i crammed all my subjects in the week before the exam, and my school still pulled me down >_> well actually, they pulled me up for chem, but yeah you dont really need to study hard to get a 90+, infact u could just study dotpoints, do a few questions for 3u maths (not the same for 4U...
  9. P

    USYD Pharmacy '09 Roll Call!

    LoL, hey im michael, nice to meet you guys, hope to meetup sometime during enrolment? ahah =D