Recent content by Premeditated

  1. P

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    Well, I agree with you. Basically, both genders can be fucking dumb.
  2. P

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    haha nah, i respect women- but we cant deny the stupidity, pathetic mushiness, superficiality and crude expectation, at times from them. And yeah, ill never deny the witlessness of man.
  3. P

    fuck buddy

    Someone should start an entirely separate part of the forum based solely on sex. :party:
  4. P

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    Girls can be just as stupid as guys. :)
  5. P

    Describe your ex relationship in one word

    Yes, i just described her. :haha: lol, our relationship was 'extremely attractive'. :tongue:
  6. P

    Describe your ex relationship in one word

    inspiring fiery intellectual beyond reasoning extremely attractive rebellious beautiful
  7. P

    F-F-F-Fetish Thread

    Thighs Necks Going down on a girl Getting off on natalie portmans uncensored rap on youtube...
  8. P

    going down there...

    Dont mind the kissing at its end. I loove making a chick cumm. mhmm
  9. P


    I'm looking for a job. Help me out here. :) please
  10. P

    Does God exist?

    Athiests make a hell lot of sense. On the contrary, I believe in a God.
  11. P


    Girl, you make sense.
  12. P

    The best movie lines

    Loach: What happened to your nose, Gittes? Somebody slammed a bedroom window on it? Jake Gittes: Nope. Your wife got excited. She crossed her legs a little too quick. You understand what I mean, pal? [from chinatown- roman polanski]
  13. P

    Who else thinks girls are crap?

    Taco, you are a full-blown genius. Many girls are crap, in the way that you have made sense of the word. I have to say, however, that you have generalised females in a degrading, pessimistic manner. :)
  14. P

    First Kiss :)

    Excess of ludicrous tongue. (should be completing assignment)
  15. P

    Has anyone ever fallen in love with you at 1st sight?

    'love at first sight' is a hilarious concept. Superficial & laughable.