Architecture revue!
hey guys,
the university of sydney architecture revue is on next week!
Its going to be a really funny show featuring some very talented actors.
Tix are available at the door at the seymour centre box office, for 12 bucks + b.f.
or at the access centre at...
im at usyd in architecture, and i can tell u a design crit is psychological torture at its worst and the most elated feeling at its best. Ive had both really bad and really good presentations, and can honestly say its a rollercoster ride.
CAD is easy to pick up once you have the principles...
im over enrolled and it wont let me change!
that sed, i think u should check the hourr/subject in the handbook and the timetable for this year to get an idea of how hectic itll be.
you really dont realise how good a selective education is until u leave unfortunately.
I went to fort street which was pretty competative, and a pretty all round school (ok yes there were pot heads in my grade but only a small handful and thats in every school..)
Im in architecture now, a...
facilities wise I dont think u can beat usyd. its fantastic in that respect...
teaching wise I cant agree (mind u im first year, so it may get better) its not that great so far. Generic skills though its pretty good, very all round course in that respect, got a bit of art bit of science and a...
its not really about art as design is not wholly art, Id say preparing a short essay on perhaps your opinion on design is better or what u believe design to be, giving a portfolio of things you have designed eg websites, graphics etc (not necesarily buildings), and maybe a few drawings if u can...
dude thats what I want to look into to. I kno NIDA has a course in that but I dont think thats the only avenue into set design. Ur probably best (as my drama teacher informed me) joining a community theatre and volunteering at first and then using that experience to get a paid gig.
hmm....u make friends very very very easily and very good friends too as ur always with em. Im at usyd so I cant speak for unsw.
if ur developed in ur processes of designing and mature in thought, well read and independant then usyd is good. U also in general have to have a thick skin...
hate to burst ur bubble but autocad and 3D arent really friends. autocad is more a 2d drawing program (with annoyingly hard 3D capabilities) which simulates what u would do by hand on a drafting table.
3ds max , archicad, and microstation are more 3D friendly, autocad is more widely used...
welcome to my world! omg, thats exactly what i got, cept try 2 weeks of 3 hours a nigh sleep
this is why im transferring to COFA's Bachelor of design (logic clearly prevails that choice)
its pretty much even in m/f ratio, nothing tooo noticeable.
the degree is fun but lectures can be tedios. skipping them would be fatal as they go through a lot of info in one lecture and self learning can be a bastard
nobody ever knows what they are doing,
i only had art as my background and no idea what CAD meant till i entered, and Im doing fine.
Its not an easy course, but it is rewarding when things go your way. I picked it two weeks after the HSC got over after 2 years of wanting to do psych, y...
ha! well sed bobert (now u are a person I havent seen for a while, though not by intention)
I can easily avoid the dickheads from high school at uni, and the dickheads at uni too. In fact its sooo funny to spend six years with someone in ur grade and then walk straight past em at uni as if u...