finance is harder than accounting as a choice between majors. there are definately more accounting jobs out there for graduates, less for finance, but if you manage to get a job in finance you'll get paid a lot more. pay for grad accountants is shit compared to IB grads
its all bullshit. ive just graduated B Bus major accounting and finance...ive been working at macquarie group for 3 years and am going in as a full time graduate. was also offered numerous other grad positions at other global IB's but chose macquarie coz i was able to get a grad role tailored...
excuse you. UTS does NOT have a crap degree in comparison to UNSW. I just graduated from UTS and i'm not completely employmentless...i was made several offers from global investment banks, and I have been working at Macquarie for 3 years.
If your point of view is that UTS grads get good...
Whats with all the Big Brother people going there? Its like...I've been evicted so lets go to Castle Towers!
And in regards to Westfield Bondi...sorry but that has the worlds shittest carpark...and olny 2 hrs free!?! seriously...r they trying to get people in or what??
Dunno havent been but wen i was looking for a gym I went up to them n asked for prices, and the bitch said I have to make an appointment wit some sales fuck off if you cant even produce a price list they can go fuck themselves...all they want you to do is come specially and sit in...
Lol yea im serious, at the uts gym in the city. but I've only heard that once...obviously someone complained coz it seriously is a safety hazard! Suddenly this Punjabi music comes on, or even worse, if the radio's on and that premature ejaculation ad comes on...its a hazard!
Carlingford has...but hey if you want a pool y didnt u join the RSL gym...theres a pool there i think. ALso, CT is pretty small if u think bout it...20 Bond St is much bigger (the old stock exchange floor) and lots more machines. CT has good (or better) change rooms though
They always have ads about a career in the 'fitness industry'. They also play the same tedious songs over and over...and the occasional Britney...omg seriously.
Then they have like a movie of the month where they just play the preview non-stop...first it was that hugh grant/mandy moore crap...
LOL anyone working 8am till 10pm needs to get a life! I work about 8:30 to 5pm on full days, but right now since uni's resumed i work 2 full n 2 half days they're pretty flexible
LOL this is gold! I love it when people get all pissed off and psyched up at other people, only to be told that they're wrong.
AND, its great to go on holidays and come back to read all this crap, in which like 2 people have actually answered the original question. Gold!
Well i got news for ya, your not Allan Moss! Are you earning over $18 million a year?? I dont think so! So dont go and knock someone for getting a job at Australia's largest IB and one of the highest paid CEO's in the country.
And y are you then going on to compare "the highest-paid...
R u sure u worked @ Macquarie? Coz if you worked at Martin Place you would very clearly remember that Pitt St mall is on your right, so clearly you would have remembered that its the corner of Pitt St, not Elizabeth.