Recent content by Qn

  1. Qn

    Model demonstrating Meiosis

    I have found that plasticine > pipe cleaners So much easier to assemble and show crossing over, just shove em together :P. None of that fiddly twisting or taping crap ! :spam: ?
  2. Qn

    Model demonstrating Meiosis

    I have this task (as i'm sure many people do) coming up in a few weeks where we have to create a model showing crossing over etc. I'm considering using pipe cleaners for the model but I'm not too sure what i am going to do atm. Any tips or advice please - post up ! :P
  3. Qn

    Pract Experiment

    I could say off the top of my head that working in a group: - Passes on skills to fellow team members - Sharing ideas & thoughts on the experiment - The experiment can be performed faster if you need negatives you could say - Some exclusion of team members may occur (i.e. Not sharing the...
  4. Qn

    13 units? Should I drop Maths Extension 1?

    Totally agree ! Even if you just keep doing it right up to the start of the exams and putting a half hearted effort in and then drop it, you will have a much better grounding of all the 2U concepts etc.