F**kin asians ? thats not very nice
and for your information, i hvae one computer with internet sharing with my family inwhich my sister is in yr 12. The other computer is very slow and doesn have the essential programs in it, it is a very old old computer. That is why i want to get a laptop...
yerh ill think ill not get one afterall, i do have 2 pc's. one wihtout internet and one with. But i share the internet one with my family... which is hard
Just going to organise all my books. And complete all my holiday hw, to get that out of the way. Then relax maybe for 2 or 3 weeks then go revise over all my work! :}
im thinking of getting a laptop for my studies. but i dont know if i need it. Because yr 11 and yr 12 are really jsut studying form the textbook. So should i get a laptop, if so which brand is good for school?