Balancing of forces- No. Binomial proofs appeared heaps in the old course, but the only real year that focussed on binomial theorem was 2020. Probably worth reviewing
Certainly more difficult than previous years of papers... It is always more difficult when you're actually sitting the exam yourself but I'd say the raw mark alignment should reflect the difficulty
2021 saw 70 going to an 88 so I'm assuming this year a 65 will translate to low-mid 80s. I'm just a student though and have no clue. Might be best just to put it in the past as there's nothing we can do about it now ;)
I feel like the raw mark alignment would AT A MINIMUM have to reflect that of 2021. It all depends on how everyone found the exam though... But from my perception of the paper, and what I've heard, majority of people seem to believe it was quite difficult. We will pray that the raw mark...
Anyone predicting any key syllabus points not addressed yet/concepts that may appear in our exam next week? My thought is that induction and Volumes of Revolution are yet to be presented in a difficult question. Also curious if vectors will be a heavy focus given its presence in recent exams...