Recent content by randumm

  1. R

    Ancient History Major?

    Hi all! :) Would anyone who did a major in Ancient History be able to tell me what senior units of study they did? Im just tossing up between a few and would like to know what others thought of them :) Thanks!
  2. R

    Usyd's timetables are out

    i got mine this morning!
  3. R

    teach.NSW Scholarship?

    It's a DET scholarship, and I've called and emailed them, but they haven't replied so far, so I was just wondering if anyone else who got the scholarship/has got it in the past knows any details :)
  4. R

    teach.NSW Scholarship?

    Hi, just wondering if anyone else who had been told that they were being offered the teach.NSW scholarship had gotten their paperwork yet? A lady from the office called me last December and said that I was successful in receiving the scholarship and that I would get the paperwork early January...
  5. R

    B Arts (advanced) (honours)

    How does the timetable look for this degree, first year?
  6. R


    Would anyone know anything about a second year Arts timetable? :)
  7. R

    How many days at uni per week?

    How about an arts degree for second year? Does it change much between first and second? (Hoping to get into B Art Advanced Honours)
  8. R

    Bachelor of Arts (Advanced)(Honours) -> M Teach

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone knows whether this degree pathway is possible? If, say, I did a Major in Ancient History and English, and then applied for an M Teach with my Major teaching area as Ancient History and my Minor teaching area as English? Any feedback would be incredibly helpful :)...
  9. R

    Atar Estimate Please :)

    Wow thanks guys :) HSC this year, but I'm not too confident considering my actual exams so far :(
  10. R

    Atar Estimate Please :)

    Would anyone please be able to give me a round-about ATAR estimate? These are my ranks: School Rank: 20 English Advanced: 24/139 English Extension 1: 7/40 English Extension 2: 6/12 Mathematics: 9/60 Maths Extension 1: 24/80 Ancient History: 1/30 Legal Studies: 2/45 History...
  11. R

    Yeh! Maade in it Giraween High school

    The poor kid who started this thread :P