Recent content by rczoombie

  1. R

    UNSW Harvard Scholarship

    I have no experience at this because I don't have the brain cells that you do. But I'm not sure why you're scared of not getting in. If you don't get in, so what? Is there a downside risk to it? Will UNSW kick you out? You got nothing to lose but everything to gains. Go for it!!
  2. R

    Remebering formulas

    I hated how they incorporate Yr11 into the exam as well :(:mad:
  3. R

    Remebering formulas

    hehehe I'll try to do use the toilet option :)
  4. R

    Remebering formulas

    Does anyone have a good technique to remembers all the formulas ???? There are one too many; they should give a formula sheet just like in Physics :):D