Recent content by reddevil89

  1. R

    ACCG 105 Final Exam

    Nothing wrong but waste of time if they don't require :P
  2. R

    ACCG 105 Final Exam

    It's Sunday and we have test tomorrow I'm stupid, I was preparing for 2 exams last week :( Anyway, are we required to provide narration (explanation of journal entries) ?
  3. R

    ACCG 105 Final Exam

    I'm confused because the only information for final is the sections will be tested in the exam Say they wrote: Question 4 - Depreciation - Chapter 8 Chapter 8 actually consists of depreciation, revaluation, impairment, intangible assets. Does it mean they will only test depreciation and...
  4. R

    ACCG 105 Final Exam

    Just want to ask if anyone has done accg105 can give me a hint if what's on the final exam. The lecturers didn't give out any information about final, neither sample paper nor previous exams. I'm studying but I don't know what to prepare in the exam Thanks so much :)
  5. R

    How to do well in ECON141

    I haven't even seen it yet:P. They sent to my home address (my home in Vietnam) and my parents told me. I thought they said I was in top 20. Anyway, that's isn't a worry, I'm still struggling with Econ141 though :confused:. Question about 141: the final's gonna very similar to sample paper...
  6. R

    Is it rude for a tutor to call a student gullible and eccentric?

    Depends on situation and the way he said. But if you don't like that, just revenge in the evaluation form by the end of the semester, easy:jump::monkey:
  7. R

    How to do well in ECON141

    Thanks to BoganBoy and atreus, I'll try to do my best, it's just really so boring that I don't even want to touch it.... Anyway, where can I find the past exams papers for ECON141? To atreus: yeah, a letter to my home address.
  8. R

    How to do well in ECON141

    Thanks a lot Bogan :) What are they gonna ask in the final exam? And what should I study to do well in the final?
  9. R

    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    Macquarie was at 67th in Oct,2005, then came Mr Schwartz in Feb,2006 and Macquarie came 82nd in Oct,2006, then it kept dropping from then, 168th in 2007, 182nd in 2008 and 189th in 2009. Interesting coincidence?
  10. R

    How to do well in ECON141

    Hi, I hope someone could give me some tips about ECON141. I got 92 in STAT170 (top20), but then I'm really struggling with this unit, I really don't know why, the stuff is very similar to Stat170 but the lecturer makes it very hard to understand. Please help me
  11. R

    100lv subject to do sem 2, 2009

    But Math123 is just for sem1, isn't it?
  12. R

    100lv subject to do sem 2, 2009

    if I got 89 for ACST101, then should I have any trouble getting D or HD in MATH130?
  13. R

    100lv subject to do sem 2, 2009

    How about Math 100lv? Are they hard to get D or HD once I try hard
  14. R

    Results Discusssion

    I'm in my home country now. Just can be back to Macquarie after 5th August. Is there any deadline for appealing against final mark? Can I view my script after 5th August?