Recent content by retromcnugget

  1. retromcnugget

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    i have a teacher who has the most shrill voice, and it seriously drives me insane...and this is when she speaks normally, you would be laughing when she's screaming at people. did i also mention that she is totally incapable of doing her job?
  2. retromcnugget

    Any thoughts on repeating a year?

    i'd fucking hate to repeat a year, but looking at my grades it's a possibility.
  3. retromcnugget

    Good/Bad things about your school

    Good: - Nothing really Bad: - I have to wake up at 4:45am just to get to school by 8. - Freshmans are a c*nt! - teachers who are incapable of doing their job - teachers who look like complete stoners - fully sick 10th graders - losers who do handball (seriously, leave it behind)
  4. retromcnugget

    How do you deal with bitchy/horrible teachers?

    harrington street primary?
  5. retromcnugget

    Is my school just crap??

    greystanes high school is a bad bad bad place. i would know.
  6. retromcnugget

    What do you think of this performance? (video link)

    i'm just gonna say i have to thank you all for the advice. we've changed a lot of it, but i don't think you'll be seeing the polished version intended for the hsc anytime soon. and as for the actor lady, she's a native english, so i don't know where you got the accent slips from; but thanks for...
  7. retromcnugget

    How do you deal with bitchy/horrible teachers?

    i'm the guy who got 26/30 (the guy in the cloak from the video) in this play and i can tell you she's nothing but a biased mofo. i do have to agree with katie tully's comment tho.
  8. retromcnugget

    need help - related texts for BILLY ELLIOT

    i'm doing owl city's fireflies (it's about letting go of childhood and entering adulthood). imo, it's a pretty weak piece of related text, but it's a damn good song. link: SongMeanings | Lyrics | Owl City - Fireflies check the comments too. that's where i got all my notes and ideas from
  9. retromcnugget

    Peter Skrzynecki Poems ...... HELP!

    thank you soooo much! i've got trials tomorrow and i've never read postcard before.