Recent content by robert.jonathan

  1. R

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    Hi! the prelimenary offer came out today. A couple of my friends who applied for the con got in as Education min Perf and Performance maj. They both got over 95 UAI... I checked with tthe student admin at the con today for my results and they said i did outstanding for my composition and...
  2. R

    Conservatoriums - GENERAL: Entry, atmosphere, auditions etc.

    thanks a lot... *figerscrossed*
  3. R

    music 1 / 2 ???

    Hi yellow_sub. I've just finished my HSC. My suggestion is to do music 2. Have a go... check with your teacher if you can change to music 1 if you are struggling with music 2 by the end of the preliminary year. Music 2 is tough. I had to compete with 8 pianist in my school who are doing or have...