Recent content by robjoker

  1. R


    Hello, I was just wondering what my HSC chemistry mark would roughly translate to with the following rank 11/95 school is around 10th Thanks
  2. R


    Hi, i'm currently doing an accelerated course for hsc maths 3u but my marks have been less than impressive. I've been getting around 60% (which is about average) for my test results and i have decided that i will definitely be repeating the course. However, i'm unsure whether i should do 4u...
  3. R

    Questions involving LHS=RHS

    Thanks everyone for the responses! I asked my maths teacher and he said that it usually depends on the marker. He said that it was a good idea to just go from LHS=RHS but if this was too hard to figure out then i should just do the RHS=x part on a scrap piece of paper and then work from x to...
  4. R

    Questions involving LHS=RHS

    Hi! I've been recently doing the topic of mathematical induction and have come across questions where you have to prove LHS=RHS (especially in the 'PROVE: n=k+1' step) I was just wondering if marks would be deducted if i wrote: LHS=...=...= x RHS=...=...= x Thus, LHS=RHS Instead of...
  5. R

    Socialism, communism, marxism?

    What are the differences between socialism, communism and marxism? This has left me a bit confused for a while now :( (just started prelim course) Thanks!
  6. R

    good school = high scaling?

    I'm just confused about something. If say, i go to a reasonably good selective school, but my rankings are bad, how does this affect my mark? And also if i go to an average school, and have great rankings would this mean a higher accumulative HSC mark than the former?
  7. R

    Advice on accelerated subjects?

    I am in year 10 but currently involved in two accelerated programs. One for maths and one for chemistry. This means that i will be participating in the HSC for 3 unit maths and 2 unit chemistry with the year 12s when i am in year 11. If i am not satisfied with the mark i get in year 11 i am...