Recent content by roff

  1. R

    Egyptian Revolution

    Re: What do you think of the current revolution in Egypt? the second thing doesn't even follow from the first but whatever. most of the rest of the world doesn't seem to have much of a problem differentiating between each of the terms. the connection of all Jews, religious and secular to...
  2. R

    Egyptian Revolution

    Re: What do you think of the current revolution in Egypt? WhY dIdNt DeY DrAw Da LiNeS??/? i didn't say it "somehow" disappeared? it's pretty obvious how it disappeared. it's goal was the creation of a jewish national home/state. goal achieved. movement dead. anything following is Israeli...
  3. R

    Egyptian Revolution

    Re: What do you think of the current revolution in Egypt? (AP photo; source: N-TV German television) (Imago Photo; source: Tagesspiegel) (Keystone/AP photo; source: Tagesanzeiger) not one israeli flag in sight, only jew stars. here's a look at tunisia too: hXr9Crc_RLc "Khaybar...
  4. R

    Egyptian Revolution

    Re: What do you think of the current revolution in Egypt? haha what the fuck? lol you absolute cuntmuscle. recent photos from egypt: (Recent Die Welt) (Reuters photo; source: Die Zeit) (video still; source: MSNBC) (AP photo; source: The Daily Beast) (video still; source...