There is a new bunnings opening at Seven Hills, so they are hiring new people for the store. There are heaps of positions available, i think they said around 120 jobs for the new bunnings, but then again, they said a huge amount of people applied. (not sure if its too late to apply now). I found...
Hello, so ive passed the telephone and group interview for bunnnings warehouse. yay!!. Now im up to stage 3 and i have a two on one interview, I think (just interviewing me). Anyone here who works at bunnings have any tips, what should i wear, what are they going to ask??,etc.
soo nervous...
Ok, so just a question. Would an asian person be less likely to be hired at a pub/club, since going to a pub/club is predominately a 'white' activity. (of course there are exceptions).
Hey guys,
I was just wonderin where I can cheaply (or the cheapest place) get my hair permenantly straightened in the City-in sydney, although no dodgy places and i'd rather it be an asian place. can you tell me How much it costs? (i am a guy if that matters).
no need to read the pages. Google some of the questions... etc the ones where they ask you who is the author and some other questions can be googled. Some questions are common sense. Now you may not pass the first time.. but look at your results and remember or copy/paste which ones you answered...
You guys are idiots, its not racist, its just a observation that the OP has found. It's like observing the fact that most aboriginals are dumb cunts, and you know this to be true as well.
I've just been accepted into b eng/b arts for my 2nd round offer. I have already enrolled into mech engineering for my main round. Can I switch courses without re-enrolling?? The courses i have chosen are the same and I like my current timetable.
excuse my ignorance, but is it possible to skip these engg1000 lectures. My current timetable is set up so that this is the only class I have on thursday.
Which uni is better for engineering. UNSW has better facilities and is more highly ranked, yet UTS has the 1 year work experience. Also UNSW is more theoretical based, so it's harder?? Which uni will make it easier for me to find a job