Recent content by roosterssuck

  1. roosterssuck

    So who made it to BSc (Advanced)?

    Yep i did too, as you know lol
  2. roosterssuck

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    only an idiot would think i took it literally
  3. roosterssuck

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    lol ill take you up on that bet, dumbarse...
  4. roosterssuck

    Maths Ext 1 - General thoughts on the exam

    that test was a bitch compared to the past papers, the timing is fucked
  5. roosterssuck

    A 3U forum for 4U students

    4u was easier, we just needed more time in each test :P
  6. roosterssuck

    Induction Question

    nah the induction question was fine, it was the bloody thing above it that was a pain in the arse...
  7. roosterssuck

    All i did was make a comment :(

    yeah i got that yesterday too when i tried to post a comment, its really weird
  8. roosterssuck

    Maths Ext 2 - General thoughts on the exam

    Re: Maths EE2 - General thoughts on the exam that test was comparatively easy, but i still fucked it :(
  9. roosterssuck

    Module C: Representation and Text

    frontline question was bs!! it asked you to use personal pronouns, but essays are supposed to be completely impersonal, ur screwed either way
  10. roosterssuck

    Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context

    br/bnw question was heaps good!! so much to write about...
  11. roosterssuck

    General Thoughts: English Adv. Paper 2 (Modules)

    yay it was heaps good, really easy except frontline...
  12. roosterssuck

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    harwood question was ok, worked well with glass jar and prize-giving. but father and child and the violets would probably have been much better to use if i actually knew them well enough