Recent content by Ruin

  1. Ruin

    Silverchair: Straight Lines

  2. Ruin

    alexisonfire australian tour 07

    haha i know thats what he was implying i meant i wouldn't want to use words other than "gay" because they're too offensive for you :O
  3. Ruin

    alexisonfire australian tour 07

    oohh sorry wouldn't want to offend with my big boy words
  4. Ruin

    alexisonfire australian tour 07

    Is that because they are so gay?
  5. Ruin

    Panic! At The Disco

    Worst band... ever? Yes.. worst band ever
  6. Ruin

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    God forbid are coming too i hear.. i don't know when though :(
  7. Ruin

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    Lamb of fucking god! anyone? April
  8. Ruin

    Soundwave 07

    Yeah why not.. keen to see me some parkway!
  9. Ruin

    The World of Pick-Up Line

    If i ever heard anyone use that ever i would eat their face
  10. Ruin

    the easiest way to dump your partner?

    Hand in a resignation letter
  11. Ruin

    scissor sisters is coming again

    Fucking terrific.. bunch of dancing even though they don't feel like it
  12. Ruin

    The World of Pick-Up Line

    How fast can you run? Because i can run pretty quick! :)
  13. Ruin

    New Name :(

    Can't go past a good Shazza for an australian name
  14. Ruin


    Where the fuck is it :confused::confused:
  15. Ruin

    metal fans your suggestions are needed

    Dragonforce = :mad: