Recent content by sammiewhite

  1. S

    Supre' Team

    I betchya that all of his mates were asking him to get numbers for em....
  2. S

    Supre' Team

    Thank god there is guys in this world who dont like skanky girls..... to your friend... a congrats is in order
  3. S

    Supre' Team

    Thats exploitation. Is he hot??? or not?
  4. S

    Supre' Team

    Do you know your friend well enough??? Is HE gay???
  5. S

    Supre' Team

    I hate it when thay do that. I saw this gay guy working there once.....
  6. S

    Supre' Team

    Not all chicks that work at Supre are bimbos x
  7. S

    Leon Trotsky Info

    I have an assessment on this fellow. I was wondering if anyone knows any good websites on him? Cheerio x