No offer as of yet, when did you get the letter? I thought I would have had a shot, considering I'm rural and had heaps of work experience. Maybe not.
Congratulations! I too have heard that the questions are different, though obviously there is a similar trend. Be prepared for 'Why Veterinary...
Hey guys,
Anyone apply for B. Veterinary Biology/ B. Veterinary Science for 2012? Has anyone received an interview offer (via email or posted letter) yet?
Good luck!
Think of anything, really. If it helps, my creative writing was about a girl who was born out of rape. Born into a family that never truly wanted her, that blames her for a sin that wasn't hers, yet is plastered on her skin. In this way it transgressed the ideal preconceived idea of what a...
I'll be sad to leave because everyone in my group is going their seperate ways; we're all going to different universities and we're all the type of people who don't really make an effort to go out all the time, so I'm afraid we'll loose contact.
However, I'm looking forward to University...
If you're in year 10 and choosing subjects, I suggest borrowing some Chem/Physics text books and having a skim through and finding what you enjoy the most.
If you're above that, choose what you are enjoying the most. Personally, I found Physics easier, and doing the Medical Physics option made...
I thought the Medical Physics option was brilliant! It has been the only topic of all my subjects that I have just loved, and this exam just reinforced it :)
I also put down that Scan B was a CT scan.
Yeah, my interest has always been evenly split between Sciences and Humanities (even though my university choices have been leaning heavily towards science), and I have always considered Ancient History the most difficult subject.
Difficulty is subjective, but there is no denying the vast...
I got all the Multiple Choice right according to my teacher. Household religion was easy, and so was the Graffiti question.
Conservation was no problem, and I was able to reference things I had seen on a recent trip to Pompeii and Herculaneum.
I wrote about the Athenian contribution in terms of the sheer amount of ships they supplied to the Greek fleet. I also talked about the Athenian contribution in Artemesium, Salamis and Mycale, as well as Eurybiadas and Themistokles contribution.
I also added the fact that the fleet was not the...
- Play violent video games and eat junk food with friends
- Read all the good books I’ve had to ignore due to crappy prescribed texts.
- Get my motorbike license
- Actually see my uncles/aunties/cousins/nanna’s
- Go out with my friends more
- Decide on a tattoo
- Get my Responsible Service of...