Recent content by samuel™

  1. samuel™

    Art Major Works >> Art Express

    yeah i left mine way too late. i compensated quite a lot because of the time i left myself: i had to take the last week off school to get it done. and so i accepted the fact that i wasn't going to get into art express, and the final result assured me of that... until my art teacher rang me...
  2. samuel™

    Art Express?

    people seem to be saying that last years art express exhibition was a bit questionable. well i can say, that my work will fit in perfectly this year, seeing that i was mistakingly selected. i can't express the pity i feel for the 4 or so works that were so much better than mine but were...
  3. samuel™

    Year 12 - Trials

    i just had a fucking stroke when i saw: "THERE ARE 67 DAYS UNTIL THE HSC". how is that for a wake-up call... although i probably still won't do anything until it's at least under 40 or so.
  4. samuel™

    The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute

    Fuck me these boys are good.
  5. samuel™


    stay bounty, seems to be the place everyone is staying.... shall be enjoyable.