Recent content by SAOthePickle

  1. S

    Addictive/ Favourite Snacks Thread

    Tim Tams!!!! :3
  2. S

    What is your HSC challenge gunna be?

    Ya I should probably study for English cos I never do :/ I kinda hate it. Need to pull my finger out my ***
  3. S

    What is your HSC challenge gunna be?

    Good luck HecticSandWitch !!
  4. S

    What is your HSC challenge gunna be?

    Good luck to you as well :D. Talking to friends and whoever is an awesome way to get through it aye. Hang in there!! :)
  5. S

    What is your HSC challenge gunna be?

    Hey guys :D just interested to learn what other people predict to be their major obstacles for the year ahead and how you plan to overcome or work with these obstacles, or have you overcome an obstacle already? :sun: My biggest obstacle would be (getting deep now) that I have a fairly slow...