Recent content by sbxyyx

  1. sbxyyx


    I'm also in yr 10 but i am not gonna do latin in yr 11 and 12. but i still want to end it on a good note yk and i hv a test coming up soooo gotta start studying lmao
  2. sbxyyx


    can anyone PLS share ways to study for latin that are actually effective bc i stink at it and I'm not sure how to get better. PLS HELP
  3. sbxyyx

    gyms in sydney

    club lime 💪💪
  4. sbxyyx


    does anyone have plot ideas for a 10 min play script it can be anything 🙏
  5. sbxyyx

    what science shoudl i choose for the hsc im struggling

    my school doesn't really offer a huge variety of subjects so its honestly a struggle to choose, like for pdhpe it is compulsory until yr 10 and then after they don't offer it anymore. and for like dt subjects or languages it would be hard to take up because i didn't choose them for electives
  6. sbxyyx

    what science shoudl i choose for the hsc im struggling

    ive only just started y10 phys and its so bad bc im not the best at maths
  7. sbxyyx

    what science shoudl i choose for the hsc im struggling

    was there a big difference between y10 and y11 chem
  8. sbxyyx

    what science shoudl i choose for the hsc im struggling

    it does offer commerce subjects im thinking of doing eco but i honestly have no idea
  9. sbxyyx

    what science shoudl i choose for the hsc im struggling

    im thinking of taking bio but does it scale badly?? is chem hard bc I've lowkey ruled out physics but i heard both of them scale well. like i honestly don't know what subjects to choose so i think i should take a science cos no way I'm doing history or smth. whats the workload and content like...
  10. sbxyyx


    no like tutoring marking for students 😭
  11. sbxyyx


    does anyone know where and how I can apply for marking jobs