A lot of people are in a similar position, i had 8 days, another girl in my grade had 12. i just need to get motivated, it's so easy to think, oh i've got ages, and then do nothing.
Deskilling and redundancy are related but completely different. Both are reasons to resistance to change, but one is a reason for employees and redundancy is a reason for employers.
Deskilling is a reason for resistance as employees fear that the skills they have will not be needed once the...
you got ethno right, but geo and poly are the other way around.
geocentric is employing the best people for the job regardless of their nationality
polycentric - is employing people for the host country
The fact of the matter on a whole students who are doing 3u are better than students doing 2u, so more of them get band 6 in 2u, especially because comparitively it is easy compared to the work they do in 3u, but there is no reason why a 2u student can't get a band 6.
in fact about 20% of...
This really depends on your school
some schools set really hard assessment tasks through the year and therefore their internals are scaled up.
If you are on average then your internal mark will be scaled to your schools average in the external exams. If the average is 60, than your school mark...
ive been told by HSC markers that they can always tell when someone has answered a question about a topic they havent studied in class...
they might have enough info to get thru the essay or whatever, but compared to other students who have studied it for a term or so, their essay lacks a...
the great thing is that we did get them back on monday!!!
i love our maths faculty don't you hung (we go to the same school)
hmm i got
72/105 Adv English (ranked 41/160 always my worst) :worried:
94/100 Business (1/60) :)
94/100 Legal (3/50)
71/100 Chem (19/80)
71/84 3u Maths (22/91)...
HAHA when you say "UAC opened today" do you mean "UAC was suppose to open today"? has anyone been on, it said UAC will open early August for ages, then it changed to "UAC will open August 8" then yesterday arvo it was changed to "UAC will open August 9"
Do you think it's open yet???
I’m coming up to the Gold Coast from Sydney for week 3. We’re a group of 8 girls and our parents were worried to let us go, so we finally convinced them to let us go later on. I hope it’ll be ok.
We are thinking about going to Wet’n’Wild but it’s $42 each. If you’re coming up week 3 and are...
It's easier said then done...
I've had it happen to me a couple of times and there is no turning back from that statement, you either go out or it's bye bye time as friends, there is no middle ground it will become uncomfortable, weird etc for her and you will feel it too.
1. Don't tell her...