THANK YOU SO MUCH! i appreciate this so much!
do you know if we need to remember dates of when some epidemiological studies have occurred, or is that irrelevant?
i dont know why but i have a strong feeling this dot point is going to be in the test.
Hey guys im really struggling with answering the dot point for epidemiology
"Identify and describe the main features of epidemiology using lung cancer as an example"
if anyone has a detailed answer or some detailed notes or anything like that then please help.
You're completely right thank you so much! ( i know it's messy but hey it worked!!)
now that i drew the diagram and read the question again i can see that it said 'above the horizon' -- i completely missed that.
how can you add the 30 and the 10 if they're in completely different places?
ive got the pole and the horizontal perpendicular but, I have a slanted line between them that has angle A with 30 degrees,B with 5 degrees , and angle C. then the angle 10 is between the horizontal and the slanted...
I've been stuck on this question for a while and i can't seem to get it because i cant find the angle of the flag pole to the horizontal, or maybe im not drawing it right.
P,A,B,C are four points in order on a straight road that runs up a hillside and makes a constant angle of 10 degrees with...
if I can't see the shape that's being made I like to draw it 2d. But I really hate the amount of time wasted drawing triangles so now whenever I draw the diagrams I like to draw the axes on a diagonal and not like a flat out plane so I can see the shape stand.
The way I see it is that you're topping your other subjects and maths is dragging you down in regards to the time and effort you're putting into it that you could've spent on one of your other subjects. I mean you're already seeing that it's not worth the trouble because it's not counting...
I've been reaching a point where I don't know what to do anymore with this question like there's so much to expand its blowing my mind away.
(Tan^2 x)/ (sin^2 x) + (sin x)/ (tan^2 x) = cosx( sec^3 x + cotx )
Bonus question ( i don't know what else to do apart from changing the top...
you're right.
It's good to note that Schleiden and Schwann formulated the first two points of the theory i.e cells are the smallest units of life and all living things are made of cells, And that Virchow has the third point of cells come from preexisting cells.