Recent content by Scryne

  1. S

    Are comebacks possible?

    Going to a 200+ ranked school, averaging rank 20 - 30 in most subjects (Lower scaling) and doing shit in term 1 and possibly term 2. Even though I don't plan on going to uni, I don't want to do REALLY bad. Is a comeback still feasible? (aim 80+ atar).
  2. S

    Logbook trip details.

    So under "Trip Details Place Names", I've only written where I went and not where I started. Are they still going to accept my logbook for the ps test?
  3. S

    Quickest way to study for math?

    In preperation for an upcoming math test, I want to get through the textbook chapters as quickly as possibly and then focus on past papers. My school uses the cambridge textbooks with the 3 levels of sets of questions (1 being the easiest 1-2 step questions and 3 being the hardest; comprising of...
  4. S

    How to use the holidays to make a comeback in the next term?

    Done all my exams and did really bad in them (around 70s across all my subjects, they're all low scaling). How can I use these holidays to help me boost my marks?
  5. S

    Class of 2025 (2025 HSC CHAT)

    If you stuff up your first exam, will you still be able to salvage your rank? This ranking stuff still confuses me.
  6. S

    What to expect yr11-12 eco

    Is it by any means a difficult subject (concepts which aren’t the easiest to understand and the writing)?
  7. S

    What to expect yr11-12 eco

    In yr 10 going to 11 and wondering what to expect in economics. I kind of picked it as a “filler” subject since I didn’t know what else to pick and it sounded interesting. All I know is that there’s a lot of essay writing which I’m not very good at.