Well that's what I was getting at he said 800 students to 100 students by later year courses, which I think is a misrepresentation since not all of them are doing Eco.
And yes I agree it's subjective, a lot of factors come into play of course i.e. interest in subject, abilities, tenacity etc.
Does this mean there were ~800 students were enrolled in the Economics program or there were that many in Micro 1/Macro 1 . Because Micro 1/Macro 1 is taken by a whole host of students from degrees other than Economics due to it being a requirement.
Where did you get these numbers from? Is...
Nice. Would you do the honours course for econ1100, if you had a chance to do uni all over.
And also to be sure we can do honours with a combined degree right? This page states it requires a fourth year after a three year Bachelor's degree, ANU - ANU COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICS
Cheers. I have to choose either a statistics or an econometrics stream not, not sure which I should be doing. From your post seems like statistics would be the more practical and interesting route.
I'll just be patient and see how I go with the courses through the year.
I was wondering for the econometric subjects (EMET) offered by the College of Business and Economics, what level of maths is required in order to get good results.
I've only done Mathematical Methods, is this adequate? I've heard some of the statistics courses are pretty full on and even...