Recent content by Sebbel

  1. S

    Creative Writing Wok Count

    yeah, but i mean, BNW is a set text, and Huxley also wrote the doors of perception, which is about a mescalin trip. true we're not using the doors of perception as the set texts, but still, they endorse him as an author by using his texts? i dunno if that would make a difference at all, just...
  2. S

    Creative Writing Wok Count

    speaking of what's advisable, has anyones teachers said anything about censorship? are we allowed to swear in our creatives? and what about drugs? i'm considering writing about a journey undergone whilst on LSD, do you think i'd be marked down for that?
  3. S

    Creative Writting stories

    Maybe ask some friends in the year above you? and i dunno if you've looked through past papers, but sometimes having a predetermined story might not work at all, one of the really recent questions gave you a first sentance, about some old man and a lock pick, i couldn't incorporate my current...
  4. S

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    I have a dream? The MLK speech? that's a set text? can you do that?