Recent content by sharna93

  1. S

    What did you choose for your HSC subjects?

    Advanced English Extension English 2U Maths Chemistry Biology Agriculture Business Studies I have like no practicals, oh well, my best friend has a lot compared to mine (advanced english, extension english, drama, VA, music, french, biology) - oh and she hasnt done music or visual arts...
  2. S

    Science- Student Research Project!?!? What should i experiment???

    I did this in term one. I did mine on the water content of various fruits, did okay on it got myself an A- (something like a 52/56) how did you go on yours?
  3. S


    What is everyone reading in english (advanced and extension)?
  4. S

    Sudject Selection

    Yeah I am like you. I have to submit my subject choices for next year but I have to many, but im not sure which ones to scrap. Thinking of: Advanced English Extension English Agriculture Biology Chemistry Business Studies Economics Mathematics Can anyone give any imput, I dont...