Recent content by Shikobe

  1. S

    Music 1- How to answer aural questions thread

    How do you answer questions that say for example, "with reference to texture discuss how the composer uses structure in his work"????? I have no idea how to do these...
  2. S

    angle between lines

    tan@=(M1-M2)/(1+M1M2), remember to absolute the expression on the right. But in our case we want the obtuse so we dont necessarily need to take the absolute, and yea...if your angle you found is obtuse then just leave it, dont minus it from 180...other than that i dont know whats wrong...
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    Martial Arts/Body Training

    Just train sprinting or something so you can run out of trouble LMFAO. Or have a numchuck with you at all times like bruce lee lOL, Oh that reminds me nobody has talked about Jeet Kune Do, the martial art form invented by bruce lee.
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    Projectile Motion

    Oh sorry! I thought the particle was projected horizontally lol my bad. i think the question is saying that at x=30 and y=26.25, it is the maximum height, so... y=-1/2gt^2 + Vtsin@ + 15, y'=-gt+Vsin@, when y'=0, t=Vsin@/g, Sub t into y: y=......(sorry getting lazy) Then you put...
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    Projectile Motion

    x'=Vcos0=V, x=Vt y''=-g, y'=-gt, y=-1/2gt^2 + 15 sub, t=x/V into y, which gives: y=-1/2g(x^2/V^2) sub x=30 and y=26.25 into the equation and you should get your answer. Hope this helps.
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    Fitzpatrick Projectile Motion Question Help...

    25D, Question17. A stone is throne so that it will hit a bird at the top of a pole. However, at the instant the stone is thrown, the bird flies away in a horizontal straight line at a speed of 10m/s. The stone reaches a height double that of the pole and, in its descent, touches the bird...
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    Calculus to the physical world fitzpatrick HELP!!!!

    Okay i think ive got it now.... a) a=-k/x^2, v^2/2=k/x + C, when x=R, v=V, therefore C=V^2/2 - k/R therefore v^2=V^2 + k/x - k/R Now, g=k/x^2 when x=R( this is what i did wrong) Therefore, k=gX^2 Now, v^2= V^2 - 2gR + 2gR^2/x
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    Related Rates

    This question is basically the same type as the question 17(Fitz book). So, instead of using Pythagoras theorem too find the distance, you use the cosine rule and thats basically it.
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    Simple Harmonic motion 25C(Fitzpatrick)

    9. A particle executes SHM. When it is 2cm from its equilibrium position its velocity is 6cm/s: when it is 3cm, its velocity is 4cm/s. Find the period of its motion and the amplitude. 10. If x=asin(nt) + bcos(nt) find the velocity and acceleration of a particle whose displacement from a fixed...
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    Calculus to the physical world fitzpatrick HELP!!!!

    why isn't anyone replying? Too hard? C'mon...
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    Calculus to the physical world fitzpatrick HELP!!!!

    25B page 105 Q15. A particle is brought to top speed with an acceleration which varies linearly as the distance traveled. It starts from rest with an acceleration of 3m/s^2 and reaches top speed in a distance of 160m. Find:a) the top speed, b) the speed when the particle has moved 80m. Q16. A...
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    Rate of Change Question

    i can't really draw the triangle on this but you can imagine a right angled triangle etc. When the man has walked for t seconds, he is t metres away from the start(the position thats is directly under the lamp). Now, if you draw a line that touches the mans head to the ground you get two...
  13. S

    Space: Trajectory Q

    Explain why it is that the vertical and horizontal components of a projectile's motion are independent of each other.