Recent content by shoulfer

  1. shoulfer

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    neither just log onto student online that's how I got mine
  2. shoulfer

    Countdown to ATAR release & ATAR reveal thread

    dont worry lad I got a 98 on madv stay below me where you belong
  3. shoulfer

    To what extent do schools fudge marks before they send them to NESA?

    your external is individual. also it kind of is individual since your rank depends on how you did individually within your year group.
  4. shoulfer

    To what extent do schools fudge marks before they send them to NESA?

    it is based on what everyone from that school goes on to get in the HSC because every school has different exams. I'm pretty sure they take 3 anchor HSC marks form the cohort and base the internal marks on that with respect to the relative difference in marks. so your internal mark depends on...
  5. shoulfer

    To what extent do schools fudge marks before they send them to NESA?

    the school doesn't send a single mark to nesa only your rank and the mark difference between you and your peers. the mark you get for you internal matters entirely upon how the marks your cohort gets in the HSC and your position within that cohort.
  6. shoulfer

    im the og

    im the og
  7. shoulfer

    What to do for open book test

    Id say to do some of the working out for calculations in your book since if you are going to have an open book test it is highly likely they're gonna test on calculations
  8. shoulfer

    Mathematics Advanced Predictions/Thoughts

    I am getting 98 based on the marking guidelines mate make no mistake
  9. shoulfer

    choose my fate pls

    drop to 10
  10. shoulfer

    Preliminary and HSC Tutoring - Start Preparation To Year 11 and Year 12

    school rank lad, those ranks don't mean anything without context
  11. shoulfer

    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    probs a decent b5
  12. shoulfer

    HSC over survey

    1. 96-98.5 2. everything besides English advanced 3. travel 4. not 5. not schoolies but europe trip with the lads (Switzerland Monaco then Turkiye)