Hi all, selling my textbooks, prices are negotiable (:
Please PM me for more details / any questions of the condition etc. or deals on buying in bulk. Best place to meet would generally be around the city but this is also negotiable.
- Book, Condition, Price (Red)
- The Great...
Meh I did Q27 and I'd definitely have more trouble for Q28, trying my best not to bias based on the fact one question (Q27) covers just one aspect of the syllabus and requires a lot less theory understanding where as the other (Q28) covers multiple topics and ideas testing a knowledge across the...
Q28 is way harder. Macroeconomic policies are hardly related to external stability AND requires a student to show full knowledge of Fiscal and Monetary Policy as well as the whole of external stability (CAD, $AUD, NFL), Q28 will be definitely be marked up over the rote learn easy Q27 one.
They mean the non-fiction speeches for Module B. It's another text Flop21.
I am in the same boat, if you find any please post here or PM me, I will do the same (: