you couldn't be more right....i cruised through everything so easily .... unfortunately this carried on into senior years and now im paying the price. to give u an idea i think i could have got marks around our dux if i'd tried.... i know that sounds extremely unmodest but i think most people...
yep thought it was hard. more maths based and i practiced A LOT for responses, definitions , defining explaining , diagrams and shit ....which seemed lide an absolute miniscule aspect of the paper
a lot of people i know thought the same....had modern yesterday too....shit all study to...
Bahaha that was my reaction...because really propaganda terror and repression sums up the whole nazi reign i think. Even on the average german propaganda and laws affected them. Yeah and i also thought "impact on the german people" was a key part of the question. It'll differentiate the people...
I pretty much did the same as you.
Speer was a combination of both his time as in the events in Germany and the society he lived in and his inherent nature which I supported with Gitta Sereney's quote he had a "missing dimnesion of human feeling and compassion".
Nah i didnt do much on Kristallnacht....the question wasnt really about specificaly jes/racial policy it included repressive mesaures on the general population as well i think
Loved it!
Personality question was sick and thought germany was really good
Indochina was aaalright ..I did the second one on anti war movements. Just sorta manipulated it a bit to aspect that led to the anti war movements and thendid war movements
Pretty happy though :D
My timing...
Hm maybe I saw it in a ww1 question and got mixed up
Totalitarianism could be asked again though right....
Thanks heaps for the help!!
Are you memorising essays or just key points about each thing?
I am very confused about these aspects ^^^
I have seen questions like
- to what extent was totalitarianism in germany..
- the affect of total war in germany..
- account for the impact of racial policies in germany..
I have no idea what to write about for these topics!
Please help...
Do you think they would ask one question racial policy and the other on foreign policy?
I was looking through past papers and I havn't seen that as of yet...most entail one question on weimar and then the other racial or foreign or inside germany
I was only going to memorise my inside nazi...
Bahaha I know all too well what thats like.
I have a nob (yes...a nob) on my left hand ring finger (as I am a lefty) now from writing pain and bloody blistering