:uhoh:TO ALL: oh plz, stop picking on a defenseless girl *sob*...Didn't I say i was a bit overboarded? and it was so...yesterday=.=
if u all find it annoying, just delete my post....
I just read my post again and I think i'm a bit overboarded... seems like i got bad taste of words
"In some cases, foreigners are a bit like barbarians in one's eyes (more or less) wherever. And nothing sad about it. C'est la vie and "the world is flat" is just...
(what a shock :O )
Hey nut! U said travelled to both Japan and Chinese, how far did u go? how many people did u meet? How long did u stay in both country?
how many place could u, an insignificant individual with shallow judgements, go huh?!
How much do u think do u know about 2 countries just...
How about Vietnamese culture pal? U sound like u know quite a lot about cultural difference =.=" (I don't think so!) I doubt u can even tell how chinese culture is different from japanese culture
then one day u see some Chineses giving their seat for the elders and u thought "Oh, those with...
*thumb up* --> "Yes it's easy to call for help, and it's bloody hard to stand and fight by yourself, and that is what the difference is between the so called " Generation X" and the so called "GenerationY"... Gen "X" fought 1 on 1 like their fathers did and somewhere along the way "Gen Y" found...
More than half of international students in SIBT & MQ is Chinese students (agree?)
==> Chinese students have the bigger chance of being involved in stuffs like this! <=== that's why people keep saying chinese this chinese that (it's not fair!)
In fact, there are many nice, smart...
Arg :evilfire: what's so great 'bout abc anyway (most of abc I know r sooooooooo dumb to the extent that I can't take it)? and what's wrong with being a fob girl?
:cold: and some guys are just...shallow. There r many cute, kind and smart fob girls!
it took ya quite some time to figure out my gender eh :D and u r really into that tv series... (now i'm curious, is it still on air?)
4 hours gap....4 hours travelling... so that's why... +_+ and i guess the atmosphere in the library is just right for studying...
? on the top right of this forum, u'd find 'User CP'...
Oh if u want to browse image from ur pc, it must be 100x100
I was wondering why does it have to be library...? (is it because there r many books there?) we can just study at home :bat:
@blackrider89: dirty mind =.=
:lol: haha :lol:
it would be fun if u guys continue ur discussion :lol:
now where is Nikki? XD
(pardon me, i just finished my final exam and I aint got anything better to do XD )