Recent content by smile4life

  1. S

    BSB v. Nsync

  2. S

    Do you like maths?

    yes i like maths :)2unit is great!3unit is okay.
  3. S

    Wat Font Size is too small?

    12 times new roman is what i use
  4. S

    Hardest Subject?

    chemistry for me.
  5. S

    NSW to dump UAI! New Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)

    silly they are changing it now. why not wait till next year?
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    Subject Combos

    i don't think mine is that strange - ~advanced english ~maths extension 1 ~chemistry ~biology ~ancient history
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    How do you stop making silly/stupid mistakes in exams??

    its hard not to. its pressure
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    another half yearly paper

    man thats easy lucky
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    Teachers doing essays for you

    yes see the principal asap
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    Is chemisty freaking awesome?

    personally prefer biology
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    Half Yearly

    86 % :)
  12. S

    What study did you do today?

    so far english & maths