Recent content by Sollocks

  1. S

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Lol, Im a book addict, so my list is pretty long Ted Dekker- Blink - Thr3e Stephenie Meyer- Twilight Herman Hesse- Siddartha - Rosshald J.R.R. Tolkein- The Hobbit - Unfinshed Tales Diana Wynne Jones- Howl's Moving Castle Anne Rice-...
  2. S

    What are you currently Reading?

    I just finished Mort by Terry Pratchett and Sinner by Ted Dekker, am re-reading Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones and Twilight (for the sixth time) by Stephenie Meyer, have just started Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett and am going to start reading Jonothan Frakes after the HSC. I...